SX-CBA, Boeing 727-200, Untitled

SX-CBA, Boeing 727-200, Untitled
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Airline: Untitled
(Olympic Airways)
Date: 26/9/2007
Aircraft: Boeing 727-200 (284) Location: Greece, Athens
Hellinikon Airport (HEW / LGAT)
RegNo: SX-CBA, Mount Olympus Photographer: Ilias Diakoumakos
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C/N: 20003 More info: Contact photographer
Remarks: This beauty has the "privilege" to live in a place that everything can happen: the best and the worst together.After escaping (temporarily?) the scrapper, she awaits her place in the Hellenic Aviation Museum -if it ever built- patiently and quietly because the air that passes her by, can't move things that don't exist:the fans of her engines...
Photo ID:1606  |  Date added:9/2/2008  |  Views:667

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