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Airline: Date: 20/5/2011
Aircraft: Location: USA, Victorville
George AFB (VCV)
RegNo: Photographer: Ilias Diakoumakos
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C/N: More info: Contact photographer
Remarks: There are some places that you can see all the planes that you have been missing for all your life. Located in the desert, two hours away from Los Angeles by car, Victorville is such a place. Here is depicted a part of the storage "ramp". Some of these airliners will fly again but most -if not all- will eventually be part of our kitchenware or aluminum cans for soft drinks. So next time, just before you throw that empty coke can away think twice: maybe in it's past life it was a part of your favorite airliner ! :P
Photo ID:21725  |  Date added:9/8/2011  |  Views:661

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